5 Amazing Health Benefits of Including Corn in Your Diet


Improves Eye Health: Corn is rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants which helps in maintaining good eye health. Adding corn to your daily diet can improve your vision and prevent macular degeneration.

Helps in weight loss: Thanks to its high fiber properties, corn is amazing grain for weight loss. Fiber helps in digestion which facilitates weight loss. Corn is rich in antioxidants which improves metabolism.

Energy booster: Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts include corn in their daily diet as it helps in keeping their energy levels in check. Corn is rich in carbohydrates which get digested slowly and provides energy throughout the day 

Maintains blood pressure: As it is rich in potassium and magnesium, corn helps you keep your heart healthy and maintain blood pressure. Corn has high fiber which helps in reducing cholesterol levels. 

Lowers risk of diabetes: Thanks to its Anthocyanin component, corn is beneficial for maintaining insulin and glucose levels.

That's not all, adding corn to your diet can also help in preserving your skin as it is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. It reduces blemishes, free radicals which helps in improving your skin. As per NDTV, corn is also beneficial for pregnant ladies, as the grain is rich in folic acids and contains zeaxanthin and pathogenic acid which reduces the risk of birth defects in babies. It soothes constipation too.